Before a metal can have any coating applied, it must be thoroughly cleaned to remove surface oils and other contaminates that would harm the powder coating. Conventional methods of cleaning generally use either multiple hot water rinses or treat with iron phosphates (mainly used as an ingredient in garden pesticides.)

As a result, harmful runoff is produced, which has to be drained into a holding tank, or worse yet, the sewer. The specialized process called plaforization provides a simple, disposal-free solution for pre-treatment of metal. There is no water rinse involved, thus no wastewater is produced. This organic pretreatment system is a truly one-step process to clean, pacify and seal metal surfaces before applying a topcoat.

The plaforization process is conducted with low vapor pressure, emitting virtually no VOCs. There is no water rinse involved, so no wastewater is produced. No sludge is created; nothing is added to a landfill. The process contains no halogenated compounds, ozone-depleting compounds, carcinogens, mutagens, or hazardous air pollutants.Plaforization is one more step in the on going quest to create a remarkably durable product that can withstand the elements and still promote a healthy environment. This special system exists only at 3 facilities in Turkey and 450 in all over the world is widely acclaimed as eco-friendly by means of its chemicals which does not harm the enviroment.

We recommend that you watch the video at the following link for the application process.